Friday, January 9, 2009

Sara and Luke Miller's Bean Dip!!!

1 can of black beans
1 can of corn
1 package of cherry tomatoes, cut into quarters
1-2 green onions, chopped
olive oil, drizzled over depending on your taste
1/4 cup cilantro
1 Tb cumin
1 Tb coriander
salt pepper
1 lime

All of these ingredients can be adjusted according to your taste. I don't follow a recipe anymore, I just start with the bean, corn and tomatoes and use the other ingredients according to how I want it.

You can add, avocado, mango when in season (the store canned mango just mashes up into the dip), chopped jalapenos, pineapple, or whatever you like. It's great on salads, fish, and with tortilla chips.

Hope it turns out great!! It's my favorite...just made some yesterday.

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