Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rocky Point Manhattan Clam Chowder

Now, I know what my fellow Rhodies are thinking.... "Erin is my savior... I have been looking for a bomb recipe to make Rocky Point Clam Chowder!!!"

For all my non-Rhodies (native Rhode Islanders), I guarantee that you will love this recipe if you like seafood as much as I do.

Quick Background... Rocky point was my mostest favorite Childhood Amusement park. In fact, I think in total my mom must have taken us there for at least 14 birthday parties in our family alone. In fact, one birthday party of mine comes quickly flooding back to the forefront of my memory banks... Sara Wags- remember driving back at midnight from Rocky Point and getting stuck on the tippity top of the old Jamestown bridge because of a car accident. I think mama and papa Wags were pissed that we got you home so late. Anyway, Rocky Point was the birthday event of choice and when you watch this 80s commercial... it becomes pretty apparent why.

So... I looked up the recipe for their infamous Manhattan Clam Chowder. I could only find it in bulk so I figured out how to make it more home-friendly. Enjoy!


1/4 pound salty pork
1/4 medium onion (about 1/2 cup)
1 can chopped clams plus the clam juice (if you can add some more clam juice, the better it will be)
3 medium size potatoes (I used ordinary Idaho potatoes--the brown ones)
3 big pinches of Paprika
1 large can of Tomato Puree
8 large Quahogs or clams
3 large pinches Old Bay Seasoning
Salt and Pepper to Taste!


Before cooking, soak quahogs or clams in cold water for approx 20 minutes to let them naturally "spit out" or filter out any sand.

Steam clams in approx 4 cups of water. Once clams open up, they are cooked. If the clam doesn't open then throw away (that means it was dead before you cooked it and definitely not good to eat). Extract clams and dice to small chunks. SAVE the water that you used to boil the clams as this will be the main part of the soup broth.

In a large soup pot, cook pork until browned. Add onions and cook until tender. Add the potatoes and let them cook for a couple of minutes before you add the clam water, tomato puree, canned clams plus juice, spices and diced quahogs.

Let cook for approx 45 minutes or until the potatoes are tender.

The soup should not be thick so add more clam juice as necessary.

Makes approx 6 servings and better the second day!